Milking Mommas

As a mom, you’ve probably got a whirlwind of questions about everything related to parenting, and one topic that might be on your mind is whether you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. It’s an important question that many new mothers have, and we’re here to provide you with all the detailed information you need.

Understanding the Basics of Breastfeeding and Fertility

Breastfeeding is a wonderful and natural way to nourish your baby, and it offers a range of benefits for both you and your little one. However, it’s not foolproof when it comes to preventing pregnancy. The key factor that influences your fertility while breastfeeding is a hormone called prolactin. This hormone is responsible for milk production and also has a suppressive effect on ovulation.

During the initial months of exclusive breastfeeding, when you’re feeding your baby frequently and on-demand, your body releases higher levels of prolactin. This can lead to a delay in the return of your menstrual cycle and a lower chance of ovulation, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy.

The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

Many women rely on what’s known as the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) for contraception during the postpartum period. LAM involves exclusive breastfeeding, where you feed your baby directly from the breast without supplementing with formula, solid foods, or pacifiers. This method is most effective when:

  • Exclusivity: You are exclusively breastfeeding your baby, which means no supplementing with formula or introducing solid foods.
  • Frequency: Your baby is nursing around the clock, with feedings occurring at least every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night.
  • No Menstrual Cycle: Your menstrual cycle has not yet resumed. The absence of menstruation indicates that your body has not yet resumed regular ovulation.

It’s important to note that once any of these conditions change, the effectiveness of LAM decreases, and you should consider alternative methods of contraception if you’re not ready to conceive again.

The Myth of “Breastfeeding as Birth Control”

While LAM can be effective under specific conditions, it’s not a guarantee against pregnancy. Some women mistakenly believe that as long as they’re breastfeeding, they can’t get pregnant. This misconception has led to unplanned pregnancies. It’s crucial to recognize that fertility can return at any point, even if you’re exclusively breastfeeding.

While exclusive breastfeeding initially triggers high levels of prolactin, factors such as the baby’s feeding patterns, introduction of solid foods, and even nighttime sleep routines can influence these hormone levels. As a result, the suppression of ovulation might not be as steadfast as assumed.

The myth of “breastfeeding as birth control” highlights the significance of a comprehensive approach to postpartum contraception. While breastfeeding offers certain contraceptive benefits through LAM, it’s not infallible. To ensure effective family planning, especially if you’re not ready for another pregnancy, exploring additional birth control options is prudent.

Factors Affecting Fertility and Ovulation

Several factors can influence the return of your fertility while breastfeeding. These include:

  • Frequency of breastfeeding: The more frequently you breastfeed, the higher the levels of prolactin, which can delay ovulation. If you start spacing out feedings, ovulation becomes more likely.
  • Nighttime feedings: Prolactin levels are often higher during nighttime feedings. If your baby starts sleeping through the night and you’re not breastfeeding as often, your fertility could return sooner.
  • Introduction of solids and supplements: As you begin introducing solid foods or supplementing with formula, your baby’s demand for breast milk might decrease, impacting your prolactin levels.
  • Stress and health factors: High levels of stress, poor nutrition, and certain health conditions can influence hormonal balance and potentially lead to the return of ovulation.

Considering Birth Control Options

If you’re not ready for another pregnancy, it’s wise to explore reliable birth control options even while breastfeeding. Hormonal methods like progestin-only pills, hormonal IUDs, and contraceptive implants are often safe and effective during this period. Non-hormonal options like copper IUDs and barrier methods are also worth considering.

Tracking Your Fertility

If you’re relying on breastfeeding as a form of contraception, it’s a good idea to track your fertility signs. This includes observing changes in cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and any signs of ovulation. While these methods might not be as effective as hormonal or barrier contraception, they can provide additional information about your reproductive cycle.

Consulting a Healthcare Provider

Ultimately, the decision of when to start or expand your family is a deeply personal one. It’s recommended to have an open conversation with your healthcare provider about your plans and concerns. They can provide tailored advice based on your individual health, breastfeeding habits, and contraceptive preferences.


Breastfeeding is an amazing journey that brings you closer to your baby while providing essential nourishment. While it can offer a degree of contraception through the Lactational Amenorrhea Method, it’s not foolproof. Understanding the interplay between breastfeeding, prolactin, and fertility can help you make informed choices about contraception and family planning. Remember, every woman’s body is unique, so it’s important to stay informed, stay in touch with your healthcare provider, and make decisions that align with your personal goals and circumstances.

The magic of parenthood is complemented by the science that underpins it. Understanding the nuances of fertility, breastfeeding, and contraception equips you with the tools to make well-informed decisions. So, to the question, “Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?” the answer is nuanced – yes, it’s possible. But armed with knowledge and a proactive stance, you can steer your course through parenthood’s beautiful complexities, ensuring that your journey is as intentional and fulfilling as you envision.

CONTINUE READING: Finding the Best Contraceptive Pills for Breastfeeding Moms

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